Showing all 5 books
Kamala Markandaya (1924-2004), who made a niche in Indian novel in English through her substance and techniques, is a diasporic novelist. She is sometimes praised for the depiction of rural India, and sometimes criticized for presentation of obscenity. By virtue of her narrative techniques, she succeeds of her narrative techniques, she succeeds in creating a desired effect on her readers who feel spellbound by her contents and narrative designs.
Multicultural ...
Niranjan Mohanty belongs to the category of poets who consider poetry as the essence of our emotions and experiences which often take retreat in our sub conscious. Though readers seem to prefer novel to other forms yet poetry writing in English continues ceaselessly. India today has a long line of poets contributing their gems not only to Indian literature but also to World Literature. Poetry lovers often feel the dearth of books which help in the interpretation ...
Girish Karnad (1938), is a prolific playwright who has enriched the Indian drama by virtue of his dramatic genius. By making his drama contemporarily relevant, he has got success in creating a national theatre for India. Being an actor, playwright, writer, movie director, scriptwriter and translator, he has become a multidimensional personality. His originality as a dramatist lies in his extraordinary skill of using myth, history and folktale to make the drama ...