Sudhir Pradhan

Showing all 9 books
Agriculture sector has created a significant impact on equity in terms of employment and poverty alleviation. Agriculture Handbook is divided mainly in Indian Agriculture, land potentiality in India, Area, Production and productivity scenario, crop production, and paddy. The energy use pattern and optimization in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, cash crops, fruits and vegetables, poultry, dairy, mushroom, fish, rural household activities and rural agro-based ...
Handbook of Vegetable Crops one of the most popular publications of the ICAR with a wider readership. In the present edition, an effort has been made to present science-led developments in Indian agriculture, the ongoing research efforts at the national level and some ideas on the shape of future agriculture. While information in some chapters such as soil and water, land utilization, field and forage crops have been updated with latest developments many new ...
The title Cereals: Cultivation, Processing, and Utilisation is written in lucid language with authentic information. In the coming years the quantity of rain fall is reducing and in those conditions only rainfed crop will be useful. Considering this millets are given on first priority followed by the conventional crops like rice, wheat, maize, and barley. The title also provides complete information of each discussed crop along with specific variety.
This book is ...