Sugata Marjit

Showing all 12 books
The informal economy has emerged as one of the most dynamic, active, and hotly-debated domains in the entire developing world. Unfortunately, it remains one of the least treated subjects in mainstream economic theory and development economics. This book brings together the authors' accumulated work over the last decade. It provides a detailed theoretical overview and analytical understanding of informal labour markets in the context of economic reforms. ...
India's trade policy, until the crisis of 1991, had the three objectives of preserving employment in the import-competing sectors, raising revenue through trade restrictions, and promoting self-reliant industrialization. With the focus on protecting the import competing sectors through tariffs and other restrictions, there was little attempt to have a separate export policy. This volume begins by scrutinizing the performance and structure of India's exports over ...
India's trade policy, until the crisis of 1991, had the three objectives of preserving employment in the import-competing sectors, raising revenue through trade restrictions, and promoting self-reliant industrialization. With the focus on protecting the import competing sectors through tariffs and other restrictions, there was little attempt to have a separate export policy. This volume begins by scrutinizing the performance and structure of India's exports over ...
This volume marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, one of the premier institutions of social science research in the country. It is a collection of essays on the economic and social imbalances that emerged in the process of India's economic development in the last quarter of the twentieth century. The papers discuss a wide range of issues that the existing literature on India's economic development has somehow ...
Universities in developing countries often face severe resource constraints, making it difficult for them to stock their libraries with the latest books and journals, and to attract and retain faculty who are abreast of current trends in research. In order to meet this perceived gap, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) funded a conference at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences in Calcutta, at which papers were ...
This volume presents a collection of papers on the emerging patterns of international collaborations between developed and developing nations. The essays on the interrelated topics of joint ventures, international investment and technology transfer focus on the relationship among firms located across different national boundaries with asymmetric technological and institutional characteristics.The different perspectives and methodologies that have been brought ...
International trade does not guarantee unmixed benefits to nations suffering from deep structural distortions. Addressing trade, development and related issues, this volume systematically analyses the adjustment problems faced by a developing country as it confronts markets in the rest of the world. Using simple models and addressing topics that have influenced literature mainly in the last three decades, the volume focuses on: pattern of trade and related ...
Contents: Editor's note. 1. The labour market in India: a survey of some contemporary issues/Saibal Kar. 2. Macroeconomics and sustainable accounting of resources and income/Ramprasad Sengupta and Shalini Saksena. 3. Liberalization of Government procurements: welfare effects of foreign entry/Ngo Van Long. 4. The extent of exchange rate flexibility in India: Basket Pegger or Closet US Dollar Pegger?/Tony Cavoli and Ramkishen S. Rajan. 5. The role of foreign firms ...
Financial Intermediation in a Less Developed Economy: The History of the United Bank of India is an institutional narrative of a bank in a developing economy, a representative case study that brings out the essential two-way relationship between finance and economic development. The book highlights that to understand financial intermediation, western theoretical models need to be complemented with institutional narratives of banking in developing economies, given ...