Showing all 7 books
The book, as the title says, consists of a series of dialogues about the Ao Naga world-view, their traditions, rituals and ethical norms, and their ideas of history and objects of veneration. The dialogue took place in specially organized meetings and participants were drawn from elders of the Ao Naga tribe, Ao Naga intellectuals and scholars, a student and a visitor from outside.
The conversations that took place in these meetings were recorded and what appears ...
The book consists primarily of papers presented at a Seminar on ‘Rationality and Tribal Thought’ organized by the Department of Philosophy of North-Eastern Hill University in the year 2001. The papers deal with issues ranging from the intricacies of the concept of rationality embedded in modern Western thought to detailed consideration of tribal currents of thought, action and life and the problem of understanding that they throw up. The book fills an ...
The book is a product of several years of the author’s experience of life among the tribes of the north-east. Sujata Miri has painted in many different styles; however, the particular style of painting, which is more or less uniformly evident in the paintings reproduced in this volume, is not the result of a conceptually planned scheme, but comes spontaneously from the depth of her mainly intuitive musings about tribal imagination and creativity. Perhaps it was ...
Northeast India: Development, Communalism, and Insurgency represents a pioneer effort in understanding the linkage among the phenomena of development, communalism, and insurgency. Heretofore insurgency has been viewed as breakdown of law and order and a challenge to the legitimate centralized political authority. The present book argues against this partisan view and underlines the fact that to treat it as a problem of law and order is to tum a blind eye to the ...
The Liangmais are a sub-tribe of the Zeliangrong Nagas. The Zeliangrong country straddles the present day Nagaland, Manipur and Assam. Permeated by an earthy wisdom, the stories in this collection, bring out a sturdy sense of humour amidst life's deadly twists and turns. Available for the first time in English, these stories directly narrated by the village elders, were recorded, transcribed and later rendered into English.