Showing all 4 books
Uncodified Hindu Law considered the marriage as sacrament. The book examines the sacramental character of Hindu Marriage and it`s sacramental character after the enactment of the Hindu Marriage Act. It also explores the other components of marriage. To have a glimpse of these components, the book has been divided into three parts: (i) Marriage; (ii) Divorce and (iii) Jurisdiction and Procedure.
In Part I (Marriage), the Concept of Marriage, Restitution of ...
The book illustrates the history of emergence of the Muslims of Indian origin as a social community and the role played by them in contemporary body politic and administration during the Delhi Sultanate. An attempt has also been made to highlight the Islamic foothold in the Indian sub-continent, characteristics of governing elite and social position and attitudes of the Muslims of Indian origin. The establishment of new regime in the form of Delhi Sultanate ...