Showing all 3 books
Cudamanidasa’s Gauranga-Vijaya was edited by Prof. Sukumar Sen on the basis of an incomplete manuscript in the possession of the Asiatic Society. Compared to the works of Vrndavana Dasa and Krsnadasa Kaviraja’s biographies of Sri Caitanya Cudamanidasa’s work apparently seems insignificant. Strangely however this less known and certainly less esteemed poem contains interesting and significant information ...
Sekasubhodaya, edited by Prof. Sukumar Sen is an interesting collection of stories of rich human interest of every day life. These popular stories were current in Bengali in the thirteenth-fourteenth centuries. This undated work is what may be called today a historical narrative as it is projected during the reign of King Laksmansena and very often refer to the king himself. The identity of writer, Halayudha Misra is uncertain. The story of the survival of the ...
The legend of Manasa, the snake Goddess, became a popular literary theme in Bengal from the 16 century. Interestingly the theme has local and regional variations. The present edition of Visnu Pala's Manasa Mangala was prepared by Prof. Sukumar Sen for Bibliotheca Indica on the basis of the Asiatic Soceity manuscript no. 4993 (government collection). The interesting point is that the manuscript "gives us the version (or versions) that were used by the singers ...