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The present volume comprises papers presented during the 8th Indian Conference on the Maritime Archaeology of the Indian Ocean countries held at the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa on 1-2 July, 2013. The Conference was organised by the Society for Marine Archaeology to honour the contribution made by late Dr. S.R. Rao Founder of the society in the field of Indus Civilization and Maritime Archaeology on his birth day i.e. Ist July. The focal point of the ...
This book, enriched with inland and underwater photographs, presents a comprehensive account of the rich maritime heritage of Goa. Reconstructing the maritime history of Goa with onshore and offshore explorations, it describes in detail coastal geology and geomorphology of Goa.
Further dealing with shipwreck exploration in Goan waters, it details the explorations of shipwreck of Sunchi Reef, off St. George’s Reef, of the Amee Shoals, off Sail Rock and ...
The book incorporates archaeological findings, both from land and under-water explorations, carried out at Bet Dwarka by the Marine Archaeology Dwarka by the Marine Archaeology Centre of the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. Bet Dwarka is one of the most significant archaeological sites in Okhamandal region of Gujarat as it has preserved the longest cultural sequence, commencing from protohistoric period to modern times. The time bracket of archaeological ...
Dwarka has always evoked keen interest among scholars and researchers because of its link with the Mahabharata, which mentions sea level changes much before the concept was developed and accepted in oceanography / marine geology. It was therefore naturally the first site to be taken up for marine archaeological explorations in India. The sea off Dwarka has been explored since 1982 for marine archaeological purpose and the findings have attracted the attention of ...