Showing all 6 books
The world environment has reached a critical stage and the natural resources have been exploited far beyond their maximum sustainable limits. Prolonged disregard of nature and cumulative impact of industrialization, misuse and over-use of natural resources has represented by water, air and soil degradation, global warming, depletion of stratospheric ozone, environmental pollution, increasing population pressure, loss of biodiversity and economic disparities. The ...
At the turn of 20th century environmental issues have emerged as a major concern for the survival and welfare of mankind on this earth. Modern civilization armed with rapidly advancing technology and fast growing economic system is under increasing threat from its own activities causing pollution of air, water and soil. This book provides a conceptual synthesis of the environmental situation in its entirety, establishing the linkages between various ecosystems ...
The material in Water and Basic Environmental Technology is designed to present nearly all related issues in the water sector. A large number of publications has been brought out relating to various aspects of this natural resource. This book deviates from the conventional presentation on this topic as it covers a lot more. These inputs would particularly help the policy framer in formulating appropriate strategy and plan for the better conservation and ...