Showing all 4 books
Noise is an unwanted sound without agreeable musicals quality. The noise as pollutant produces contaminated environment, with becomes a nuisance and affects the heath of a person, his activities and mental abilities. In the field of noise pollution major studies is on Noise, its properties, pollution effects and control. This books is unique and a step forward as it integrates the various aspects of environmental noise, its affects, pollution, control and ...
Telemetry of animals is an important technique for studying different aspects of Wildlife management and research. This technique is used to obtained information on such topics as movements of animals (how animal use the environment, migration patterns, dispersal, and activity pattern), home range estimation, habitat use studies (Habitat preference), population dynamics and its estimation, stock assessment and behaviour. Published literature on this subject is ...
The book Contemporary Interrogations: Language and Literature, a collection of essays in the honour of Prof. Rajul Bhargava is concerned with various issues and problems related to literature and language. The book is divided into two sections. The first section is related to language which analyzes the need the role of English language in this era of rapid globalization and certain other issues pertaining to language. The second section is concerned with diverse ...