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Retracing the paths forged by great Buddhist monks over the centuries, she negotiated scorching deserts, lush meadows, dry steppe lands, snow-capped mountains and gushing river valleys to chronicle the life and times of the many Budh viharas in which these statues had been instated. Drawing upon her extensive sojourns, Sunita recreates in this volume the bygone eras in which these shrines were once great centres of learning and devotion. And, juxtaposing past ...
The book is a unique account of a journey undertaken by the writer along the oldest and the greatest international route, the famous silk Road that connected the continents of Asia and Europe, from China Sea to the Mediterranean.The contact between the East and the Weat catalysed the co-existence of various religions on the Silk Road and the earliest to make its presence felt was Buddhism. Around the first century AD it had travelled from India to several ...
This book is a unique account of travels undertaken by the writer to the Buddhist heritage sites of India, whose ardour in this project has been that of a freelance travel journalist, amateur photographer, self-guided researcher on the history of Buddhist cultural legacy and a pilgrim. The book takes the tourist and the pilgrim from the better known sites of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to the interiors of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, up to the precarious heights of ...