Supriya Kumar Bhattacharjee

Showing all 12 books
Thousands of plant species are known to be hazardous which can be found everywhere posing a serious risk of illness injury or death to human and animals, causing serious economic losses. This book entitled Poisonous plants their botany properties and uses is an integrated and comprehensive account of all related aspects of the subject, comprising of five elaborate and extensive chapters namely (i) introduction (ii) Poisonous plants affecting animal life (iii) ...
Vegetable crops, the important component of horticulture security which is required in daily diet of both rich and poor. An attempt has been made to organize this book is such a way that it will be useful to everyone interested in the world of vegetables particularly those increasing number of people who are concerned with both underutilized and exotic vegetables. The contents of this publication have been dealt with 26 chapters covering varied topics on ...
The present publication on Ornamental Crop Breeding has been organized in such a way that it will be useful to everyone interested in the world particularly to hobbyist plant breeders amateur gardeners flower breeders and technocrats. This book will vividly highlight genetical and breeding application in flower crops covering wide range of aspects. There are 15 interesting and informative introductory chapters on history origin and evolution genetics reproduction ...
Roses are most beautiful popular flowering plants grown almost throughout the world. Remarkable work has been carried out on this romantic flower and much has been said and written about it. The changes in fashion in our appreciation and use of rose are mirrored in the numerous journals and books that have been written about it through the centuries. The development of rose is the result of the patient work of the hybridists, scientists and rosarians all over the ...
The East was known for its exotic plants and the lore associated with them. Down the ages, the inhabitants of our forests have been using their collective wisdom gained through centuries of experience and experimentation, sometimes fatal, to find out and use the medicinal properties of these plants for their own welfare. Of late, Western scientists too have begun appreciating the medicinal value of the varied plant life and many of them prefer to base modern ...
This is a comprehensive book on the cultivation of aromatic plants grown or found in different parts of the world. It covers nomenclature, description, distribution, cultivation, processing, physical and chemical properties; and uses of more than four hundred genera and large number of species, which would be of special interest to the readers. Moreover, several, interesting aspects on history, classification, production and export of essential oils, raw ...
This book, landscape Gardening and Design with Plants, is the first of its kind in contents in India, written by an eminent scientist, reputed teacher, highly experienced landscape designer and renowned floriculturist. This rewarding and absorbing publication consists of 35 chapters that deal with various aspects of landscape gardening, garden design and a vast range of interesting plant material for landscaping. Chapter 1 provides information on origin and ...
Herbs have been used to promote and safeguard health, relieve pain and discomfort, heal diseases and wounds and refresh the mind. Herbal medicines are preferred over synthetic drugs and antibiotics since the herbs possess many healing properties without side effects. Herbs are the sacred medicine with great power, which no pharmacist can excel or even imitate fully. There is a growing need for information on medicinal herbs and flowers, their chemical ...
Increased awareness about aromatic plants has encouraged many innovative and progressive growers and entrepreneurs to take up their cultivation as a commercial enterprise and more and more plants are being harnessed for preparation of newer perfumes. This is a comprehensive book on the cultivation of aromatic plants grown of found in different parts of the world. It covers nomenclature, description, distribution, cultivation, processing, physical and chemical ...
The changing scenario in international trade in ornamental crops which provide unlimited export opportunities, demand perfection in post-harvest technology to offer quality plant products to the people around the world, all the year round. Great achievements have made over the years in this important area to match the requirements of the global market. This publication is planned in 28 chapters to review, illustrate, streamline and highlight the achievements on ...
The present book has been organized in such a way that it will be useful not only for the amateurs, students and teachers, but also for the commercial growers of cacti. The aim for writing this book has been two fold : first is to show that cultivation, multiplication and care of these plants is not difficult or expensive, and second is to introduce to the vast variety of forms, characteristics and colours found in the large number of species, which exist in this ...
Vanilla, a climbing orchid, is one of the most expensive spices traded in the international market owing to versatile use in food and related industries. Great achievements have been made over the years based on this crop to match the requirements of global market.This publication is planned in 24 chapters to review, streamline and highlight the achievements on this crop. It is a comprehensive and up-to-date document on history, production and export, the genus ...