Showing all 3 books
Sikh Predictions, this enchanting book of prophecies made hundreds of years ago to predict the forthcoming events that are going to take place in AD 1999 and after throughout the world. Wherever Guru Nanak went during his Missionary journeys, all those areas will form part of the Khalsa Kingdom. The Khalsa is going to rule for several centuries and all the blessed Sikhs and saints have already taken birth for this. For the Sikhs the interest is in the religious ...
In this short treatise on Sikh Ethics, the Adi Granth has been taken as the basic and main sourcebook of the Sikh moral-code. The path of life enunciated by the Sikh Gurus is the path of self-realisation or perfectionism; it is neither self-gratification or hedonism nor self-denial or rationalism. Emphasis in Sikh Ethics is laid on the practice of godly qualities. Their observance makes a human being godlike. The field of the body is to be cultivated for truthful ...
In the Adi Granth the reality of the world and the significance of the poise and balance in life has been stressed. There is equal stress on the physical and spiritual well-being of individual and society, and a balanced combination of Knowledge, action and devotion.