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This book challenges centuries- old description of us and of our religion as “Hindu”. Our Aryan ancestors living on both sides of the river Indus came to acquire this description at the hands of the Persian invaders and conquerors of the North-West India in 519 BC. By that time we were already known as the followers of the Brahmana, Arya or Bharatiya Dharma-an identity born out of our orally composed religious scriptures consisting of the four Vedas, ...
An Ancient India education was religion and religion was education. However, we have very little idea till now about how our education system in Ancient India had emerged out of or religious scriptures; how it had changed in response to the changing conditions in our past society and how it had contributed to the development of a prosperous and glorious civilization which has now become our proud heritage. Based on a critical study of our religious scriptures, ...
Based on archival and other sources at Edinburgh, London, Nottingham, Calcutta and Delhi, Birth of a New India consists of four articles on Bentinck, Dalhousie and Curzon which appeared in the learned journals abroad in the past three decades. Each one of the four articles either corrects an error or rediscovers the truth in the specific contribution of a Governor-General to the creation of a New India in the nineteenth century. Because of the difficult ...
Based on Persian, Arabic and Turki sources as available in English translations as well as supplemented by the contemporary travellers' accounts and the factory records of the European companies from the beginning of the sixteenth century onwards, the work attempts to analyse the history of education in medieval India as a part of the wider study of history of society, social history broadly interpreted with the politics, the economics and the religion put into ...
In 1990, the tricentenary celebration of the foundation of Calcutta by Job Charnok has drawn attention of many scholars to the various facets of the city in the form of books and monographs but none of these publications throw any searching light on its founders, that is, the servants of the East India Company. How were they chosen for service in Bengal? What were their social backgrounds? What was the nature of interlinked families created by them in Bengal? How ...
The last few decades have witnessed significant changes in the concepts of education and history. This book presents a historical overview of education in modern India from its colonial beginnings in 1757 through the implementation of the new education policy in 1986. The manner in which our education system was imported and later adapted to suit Indian conditions, the initial reaction of the British and their hostility later, the subsequent reforms: their ...
Scholarly interest in Dalhousie has for a long time concentrated on his wars and annexations, conquest and consolidation, and his responsibility for the Mutiny which swept the Indian sky in 1857. Few know about his care for the people of India and his concern for their moral and material upliftment. Drawing his inspiration from a utilitarian philosophy, he strove for its fulfillment in India. He reformed the educational system of India, improved the position of ...
Since 1920 the Education Department of the Government of India has produced a series of volumes consisting of selections from the departmental records. Between 1958 and 1971 the National Archives of India and since 1971 the Educational Records Research Unit at Jawaharlal Nehru University have been entrusted with the function of selection and publication of educational records. The present volume, under the New series published by the JNU, as a part of an earlier ...
The History of Education in Modern India, 1757-2007 presents a historical overview of education in Modern India from its colonial beginning in 1757 through the birth of an independent India in 1947 till the early years of the new millennium. This revised and updated edition reviews controversial issues like the introduction of English education in India, the authorship of the education dispatch of 1854, the genesis of Curzon's university reform of 1899-1905 and ...