Surjit Singh

Showing all 12 books
Re-thinking development from a regional perspective, the papers engage with social science research at the regional level to take up a range of developmental problems in the northern region of India. With case studies referring to different states and regions including the state of Santali women in Bankura, West Bengal, rural non-agricultural enterprises in Uttar Pradesh and governance at grassroots level in villages of Madhya Pradesh, they discuss themes like ...
China and India - the two emerging economies with growing influence the world over - are also undergoing profound social and cultural change. While China introduced a variety of economic and political reforms in 1978, India initiated economic reforms only in 1991. These shifts produced significantly higher rates of growth than witnessed during the preceding decades. The rapid pace of economic growth in both these countries transformed their economies in many ...
The book entitled "Identification of Weeds and Their Control Measures" contains three chapters regarding Identification, characteristics, management methods as well as medicinal values of weeds. The first chapter i.e. Identification of weeds contains coloured photographs of important weeds of crops, wasteland and aquatic situations. In this chapter detailed morphological characters of weeds, association with different crops, their dispersal mechanism ...
Papers resented at a conference organised by the Institute of Development Studies held in April 2007.
Indian Agriculture has been facing one of the worst crises since Independence. The contribution of agriculture to national income is declining at a faster pace compared to the percentage of population depending on it. The trends in profitability are not consistent across the years, which is a typical character of agriculture. A number of studies have tried to examine and understand the reasons; important ones include technological, environmental, and policy ...
Asian countries have made significant strides during the last few decades in transforming their agriculture and rural economies. In spite of the wide-ranging institutional changes and impressive achievements in food security, these economies still house bulk of the world’s poor. In the changing global economic scenario, they are now facing new challenges of improving food and nutrition security at the household level, poverty reduction and sustainable ...
The very origin of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is shrouded in controversies on the very shape and character of the organisation. It has been about seven years since the final agreement was signed and WTO came into existence. But there are no signs that the implementation of these agreements is likely to be smooth. The reasons are many. There are doubts about the spirit of inclusion and exclusion of certain provisions, which amount to fears of ...
The book is a collection of papers dealing with institutions, both traditional and modern, and their role in governing the society of Rajasthan. Institutions are considered as important for preserving the local environment. As the society observes changes, institutions also tend to change. A set of papers in this volume looks at institutions and their interface with the traditional society. Local heritage and traditions are seen as providing new meaning to ...
This encyclopaedia is divided into four volumes and each volume is complete in itself. The first volume is on School Education and it provides the fundamental of school systems. The contents of the volume intends to serve the school teacher as well as administrator as a road map for the immediate future and a vision for the entire spectrum of school system. The second volume is on Secondary School Organisation. It explains the role of educational technology and ...
Rajasthan has rich past. People talk about Rajasthan's culture, history and polity. It has been an abode for diverse religions and the society of Rajasthan over the centuries has evolved into a well-knit fabric. The economy of Rajasthan has a feudal past and presently trying to come out of its shackles to become a modern economy. This book is a collection of select papers presented at the Fifth International Conference on Rajasthan with the theme "Multiple ...