Showing all 3 books
Secondary education, sandwiched between the much acclaimed basic elementary education and the prestigious higher education, is subject to an ambivalent attitude on the part of the government as well as the general public. As pointed out by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century (1996): “On the one hand, it (secondary education) is often regarded as the gateway to social and economic advancement. It is accused, on the other hand, ...
Stress in Education: Indian experience makes a unique contribution to the psychological and educational literature. It recognizes that the tensions between the global and the local, universal and individual, tradition and modernity, long-term and short-term considerations, need for competition and the concern for equality of opportunity, the extraordinary expansion of knowledge and the limited capacity of human beings to assimilate, and the spiritual and the ...
Adolescent Concerns Through Own Eyes represents a glowing tribute to the adolescents – the future citizens of the country. It makes a very unique contribution to the understanding of adolescents’ problematic concerns from their own perspectives. It enriches the literature in psychology, education, social and behavioural sciences. There are very few books on adolescence in general, and hardly any in India. In India persons remain children for long and then ...