Susmita Bhattacharya

Showing all 6 books
In recent years, there has been a revival of interest in the Buddhist tradition of Asia which has percolated into the realm of Buddhist studies in India. There is a gamut of ideas that focuses on the philosophical content of Buddhism and also on Buddhist texts. But Buddhism as a component of the cultural milieu and as a living tradition of Northeast India has not been integrated into mainstream Buddhist Studies in India. However, there seems to be considerable ...
This is the first English translation of a historic document, secretly prepared in 1932 by M.N. Ryutin (1890-1937), a veteran Bolshevik, and his colleagues, under the aegis of the Union of Marxists-Leninists, an “Organization for the Defence of Marxism-Leninism.” The document, which is a devastating critique of the Stalinist model of Soviet socialism and highlights the importance of restoration of Leninist norms in Soviet political life, is ...
The volume, a collection of articles contributed by scholars from Russia and India, explores various perspectives about Russia's role in Asia. It attempts to integrate views about the Eurasian region and to examine a range of opinions about Siberia as a new field of study within Eurasia. The policy makers and scholars having interest in the region may find the book useful.
Women’s health is a central part of the health of the nation. Reproductive health is an important aspect of women’s health. The book is written with the aim of presenting reproductive health problems in relation to sociocultural and medical dimensions.
The study deals with the problem of entrepreneurship development - one of India's major concerns today. It concentrates on the differential scenario in respect of emergence, perception and exploitation of industrial opportunities during the period from the beginning of the factory method of production in the country up to the end of the 20th century.