Showing all 3 books
The work seeks to establish on the basis of a detailed analysis of the original literature that the true sentiment of bhakti may be traced back to Vedic times and seeks to elucidate the various stages through which it developed and reached its complete maturity in the Bhagavata. It analyzes the obstacles the challenges which stood in the way of this development, whether in the shape of Mimamsa formalism or Vedantic gnosticism or Buddhist impersonalism, and also ...
Based on a national seminar, the volume has articles that explore the meaning of art, secular and religious art and aspects of social life represented in art. Covering prehistoric art, folk art, temple and sculptural art, coins and terracotta art, the articles delve into dynastic and regional styles in art, philosophical perspectives on art as well as historiography of art. Scholars refer to specific regions especially in Central India and Jharkhand in examining ...
While much has been written on the popular concepts of Bhakti in medieval India, little attempt has so far been made to link it with the theoretical discussions of the great Acaryas – Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Madhva, Vallabha, the Gaudiya Acaryas, Madhusudana Sarasvati, etc. Dr. Susmita Pande examines in the present monograph the works of the above-mentioned great Acaryas and Saints – Jnanadeva, Namadeva, Kabir, Nanak, Mira, Sur, Tulsi and Ekanath – to ...