Swami Chidananda
Showing all 9 books
In considering the role of celibacy in the spiritual life, it is important to remember that, in the context of Hindu society, the subject of brahmacharya or celibacy or self-restraint does not necessarily have any connection at all with the spiritual life, or Sadhana (spiritual practices), or with Self-realisation as such. It is not normally discussed or recommended only with a view to promote spiritual life. The situation is totally different because of a ...
A life without spiritual sadhana is a dreary waste. A life with spiritual sadhana is wise living-a life that will lead to Blessedness. The combination, the blending together, the harmonising, the combining of an active inner spiritual life with an active outer secular life, fulfilling of legitimate duties and obligations-unavoidable, inevitable actions-this combining of the spiritual with the secular, the Divine with the earthly was Gurudev's special mission. And ...
The stillness, the Silence is there, ever present, the reality, the substratum, the truth. Live this truth. Base your life on the truth of your being, the fact that you are satchidananda ever, ever and ever.
The purpose of Yoga is to create harmony in the system of physical, vital, mental, psychological and spiritual aspects of the human being. Yoga is the most scientific way of living, all the twenty four hours of the day. The unique feature of Yogic exercises is their influence upon the endocrine system of the body like thyroid, pituitary and pineal glands. Some of the exercises improve the power of concentration and memory. This book elaborates on the practice of ...
Early morning group meditation and spiritual talks have long been a part of the life in Shivananda ashram.
We are happy to bring out this abridged version of the book ‘Bliss is Within’ which contains the twenty-two select topics dwelt upon by Paramapujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj on various occasions, addressed to audiences belonging to different temperaments. Swamiji’s emphatic style, telling manner and unambiguous presentation of the arcane Vedantic truths directly goes deep into the inner recesses of the reader. In order to make the book compact and ...