Swami Chinmayananda

32 books
Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda, in Kindle Life initiates the novice into the essentials of a higher, value-based life. A preliminary text of Vedantic Studies, this work lays a very good foundation for all advanced studies. Full of guidance for right living, the book inspires every reader to pursue true spirituality.
The children of today are the citizens of tomorrow. To mould their thoughts and aspirations is the true fulfillment of a national education. The ideal given to them in their early childhood alone can again and again inspire them in their future years of life and supply them with the courage to face their problems, the guts to pursue their purposes diligently, the faith in themselves and in their country, and the heroism to live and act according to their own ...
This book, especially written for children by Bharati with the assistance of the Swami, awakens in one a sense of beauty and wonder. The language is lyrical the sentences are short and crisp and the style is racy. The story of Sri Rama is not just narrated as an ancient tale full of sound and fury signifying nothing. The narration is interspersed with descriptions of the sights and sounds of Nature. Truly a thing of genuine beauty evokes in us a sense of ...
The entire art and literature of India is moulded in the beauty and divinity of Bhagavat. From childhood onwards the Hindu heart is taught to beat in unison with the tenth-chapter here, which narrates the childhood stories of Lord Krishna. He is the one solitary symbol that generated and sustained the spiritual ideal in the heart of the children and appealed to the head of the elders. The learned and the erudite reveled in the depth of the philosophy, packed away ...
This book brings together 18 talks by Swami Chinmayananda on diverse subjects of concern in modern times. In this Edition, diactritical marks are used for transliteration of samskrta wards in the commentary. Non-English words have been italicized. This will help readers to identify and pronounce the words correctly. The English plural signs has been added to untranslated samskrta words after a hyphen - to show that it is not elemental to the word eg ...
The Timeless appeared in time to give the timeless message of the Timelessness of man to a confused and broken Arjuna. The time was Karttika bahula amavasya 3141 B C. Ever since volumes have been written explaining, expounding and interpreting this invaluable message from the Lord Himself. Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s Gita Yajna talks were compiled to make the classic The Holy Gita. He firmly believed that nation building could happen only through individual ...
It is, quite often, contended that science and religion are opposed to each other. The protagonists of science and the so called rationalists maintain that religion is unscientific and superstitious. It is surprising that the man of science who is supposed to have an intimate knowledge of the baffling universe should try to maintain that the whole of the Reality and the Truth is amenable to his methods. An outline of the basic presumptions of the Vedanta, the ...
Sri Daksinamurty Stotram is one the shortest and the most inspired works of Sri Adi Sankara which is known for its philosophical import, subtlety of expression and confident assertion. With unerring dexterity the master addresses these stanzas to the students who have already fully studied the sastra-s to reach new heights in the seats of their meditation. In the revised edition, diacritical marks are used for transliteration of samskrta words in verses and ...
Sri Krishna-the very name sends a thrill of joy through one who has had even a passing glimpses of His greatness. The name at once evokes memories of the divinely sweet child of Vrindavan, the blue boy clothes in yellow silks, crowned with peacock feathers and adorned with a garland of fresh fragrant flowers, the maddening beauty and love of the Gopis, the stealer of hearts, the dispeller of sins, upholder of righteousness, protector of the humble and simple, and ...
As long as a person is alive, he or she comes into contact with different things and beings and circumstances. Nobody in the world can, even for a moment, live without coming into contact with the objects of the world outside, or at least with his or her own thoughts and ideas. Thus, not by choice, but by the compelling law of life, every one of us must meet our world of circumstances at every moment of life. If we are efficient in meeting our own world-if we ...
If a new born baby, entering into this world of endless space all around it, suffers from the crunching atmospheric pressure, and therefore feels lost, confused, confounded and even utterly miserable and lost, even more poignantly conscious would be the confusions, discomforts which a seeker must feel when he first enters into the spiritual world. He has left the comforts of his ego-centered, desire-prompted, lust-seeking world; based upon his sense of ...
In the art of contemplation swami answers all these questions and gives six simple exercise which if practiced regularly, would enable us to control quieten and free the mind. Swamiji shows how the body must first be quietened then how to start chanting the mantra what the various methods of chanting are how to witness the body and the mind, how to get rid of negative emotions, and finally, how to reach the state of complete and absolute peace and happiness.
Kathopanishad is a unique Upanishad which starts with a katha (a story) of a young boy who is ready to face the Lord of Death in his quest for Truth to know what lies beyond death. He asks the very pertinent and philosophical question, Is there or is there not, and if it is what is it? In short, this teaching is an extravaganza of spiritual knowledge and meditation that guides a student step by step to the glorious state of immortality, peace and bliss.
This is an extract from a long letter written by Sri Swami Chinmayananda from Uttarkasi (Himalayas) on 20th October 1950, which happened to be the Vijaya Dasami Day, to Sri. P. B. Menon of Ernakulam, Kerala. It is interesting to note that Sri Swamiji started writing this letter around midnight and completed it at 4 am, the sacred Brahma-Muhurta on the Vijaya Dasami Day. We are grateful to Menon's family, who made the precious manuscript available to us for our ...
Mundaka removes the superimposed veil of Ignorance obscuring the Atma through direct and penetrating exposition of the Higher Knowledge like a razor removes the hair from the head. This Upanisad contains most famous, oft quoted analogies in language which is picturesque, couched in charming metre and diction. As the spider projects and withdraws (unto itself) the web, as the herbs, and plants sprout out form the earth, as hairs grow on the head and body of man, ...
No text book can be prescribed to the students without an initial chapter giving the definition of the terms and terminology that are used in the body of the book. The Scientist visualizes the world from his view point. He sees truths that are not visible to others. And since he sees visions which are not the common property of all, in his language he will have to use unconventional words which have for him some special imports and secret suggestions. If these ...
The Mandukya Upanisad is the shortest amongst the principal Upanisad-s having just 12 manta-s but presents the quintessence of our entire Upanisadik teaching. It analyses the entire range of human consciousness in the three states of waking (jagrat), dream svapna) and dreamless sleep (susupti) which are common to all men. It asserts unequivocally that the Absolute Reality is non-dual (advaita) and attributeless (nirguna). It has a unique method of approach to ...
Strong men and women constitute the bulwark of a nation. Swami Chinmayanandaji's 114 talks based on the Bhagavad Geeta were floated on AIR and addressed to the youth of our country. These lectures were then compiled in a text form - the art of Man-Making - and became very popular with people of all ages, creeds and religions as evident from its record-breaking circulation. While, on one hand, this book is in great demand in schools and colleges for its ...
Prasna means a question. Prasnopanishad is a question and answer session where six genuine, advanced seekers approach a rishi called Pippalada. The seekers questions could be yours and mine and the rishi’s answers signify the scriptural voice gently guiding us through the tunnel of darkness to the light at the end. If you have questions on creation, on life, its purpose and fulfillment, then just go for this text. Gurudev’s commentary, on this Upanisad, like ...
Hymn to the Lord of Badri is a rare work of artistic elegance, of Philosophical depths and of emotional beauty. It is the joyous adorations of a divine heart of love, pouring itself out in ecstasy the blissful inspiration of its subjective spiritual experience. The Hymn is at once a summary of the Highest Truth, as discussed in our Upanishads, and a lyrical song of flooded love. In these hundred stanzas Gurudev, Sri Swami Tapovanam, has painted vividly both the ...
This short spiritual treatise of just eighteen mantras has inspired great minds for ages. A chapter in Sukla Yajurveda, the teachings here point out the Self-the divine essence-in every one of us. A crisp summary of the Vedanta, this Upanishad shows us the way to rise above all our attachments to the finite objects of this world. The glittering sense objects, the sweetest emotions and even the lofty ideals of human life are but a golden disk, covering the face of ...