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The upanisads are the records of the great spiritual experience of the seers and saints of ancient India. They point out the possibility of realizing the supreme Goal by every sadhaka. The major texts are of great value in disciplining the mental, moral, and physical activities of the individual to whatever creed he belongs. These profound works forming the integral core of perennial philosophy are eternally valuable to man. The need of these texts is more in ...
The Lalitasahasranama-stotram of Thousand Names of the Divine Mother is a thrilling text. Each name expresses the incomparable glory, goodness and grace of the Divine Mother. The text teaches the universal motherhood ideal. To know that we are children of the same mother and to behave accordingly may be the only remedy for the mounting violence and inhumanity in all parts of the world. In this edition of the Lalitasahasranama, each verse is rendered into ...