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He who finds inaction in action, and action in inaction, he is the wise one among men; he is engaged in yoga and is a perfomer of all actions!
The Brahma Sutras along with the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita form the triple canon-the Prasthana-traya-of the spiritual tradition of India. A study of Shankaracharya's great commentaries on them is indispensable for all students of Vedanta; and translation of the commentaries is of ut most importance to those whose limited knowledge of Sanskrit will not allow the study of the commentaries in the original. This Volume presents a reliable translation of ...
The Brahma Sutras along with the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita form the triple canon-the Prasthana-traya-of the spiritual tradition of India. A study of Shankaracharya's great commentaries on them is indispensable for all students of Vedanta; and translation of the commentaries is of ut most importance to those whose limited knowledge of Sanskrit will not allow the study of the commentaries in the original. This Volume presents a reliable translation of ...
The svetasvatara Upanisad, belonging to the Black Yajur-veda, takes its name from the sage Svetasvatara who first revealed it to others, as mentioned in verse 6.21 of this Upanisad. The name Svetasvatara is derived thus: One whose organs of sense are very pure. The time of the promulgation of this Upanisad is not known. It quotes from the Samhita portion of the Vedas, and some of its verse are common with the Katha and the Mundaka Upanisads. Although some modern ...
This edition of the Chandogya Upanisad is a companion volume to the translator’s Eight Upanisads published by us. Together with the monumental work on the Brhadaranyak Upanisad by Swami Madhavananda, which is also published by us, it brings to completion the English translation of the commentary of Sankaracarya on all the ten principal; Upanisads. We have already published he translator’s masterly English rendering of the Brahma-Sutra Bhasya of Sankaracarya. ...
This book aims at making known the thoughts of the great saint and philosopher Sri Sankaracarya. 8 Upanishads covered in these 2 volumes are: Isa, Kena, Katha, Taittirya, Aitareya, Mundka, Karika, and Prasna.