Swami Prajnanananda
Showing all 9 books
Swami Abhedananda was born in Calcutta on October 2, 1866. He was one of the direct disciples of Sree Ramakrishna Paramaham-sadeva and the spiritual brother of the Great Swami Vivekananda.
Swami Abhedananda was conferred with the honourable Ph.D. Degree by the University of California, Berkeley, sometimes in 1901-1902. He was also offered the honorary Chair of Sanskrit in the California University, which he refused with honour. Besides these, the Swami delivered ...
The life of Bhagavan is an example in the modern context of the flowering of the soul's innate perfection into all aspects of a man's character as it manifests both outwardly and in the deepest recesses of the heart. Inspired as we have been by how the life of our Preceptor has unfolded through life in the world, spirituality before and after realization, and after the awesome realizations of Godhood, we would like to offer this account of His life as we ...
The book, Thoughts on Yoga, Upanishad And Gita, comprises the philosophical and religious discussions on Patanjala-Dar-Shana, Kathopanishad and Bhagavad Gita. The writings are the critical analysis of Indian philosophy and religion and will give us the divine glimpse of the Absolute As they came out from the mouth of a man of Realization, they will console us forever and ever. And bestow upon us the everlasting bliss and happiness.
The Music of the Nations is a comparative study of music and musical systems of the civilized world. The book deals with music of India, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Arabia, Persia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam, Burma, Central Asia, England and Russia. The learned author has approached with a new hope and attempt to represent many new materials for research work and also for knowledge of the inquisitive reader.
A Historical Study of Indian Music covers a wide range from the earliest historical traces of our music to the present day. At a time most historical studies degenerated into a mixture of pseudo-legendary and mythology with large doses of sentimentality and platitudes, but Swami Prajnanananda’s scholarly approach is like a breath of fresh air. The learned author starts with the Vedic music, Gandharva music and ends with the Rabindra Samgita and Rabindranath ...
This book relates to the wonderful life, religion and ideal of Jesus Christ. From different source books the materials of this book have been collected. Besides, the mysterious legends and myths, those gathered around Christ's life, have been examined and adopted. Many pictures of Jesus Christ drawn by master artists have further enhanced the worth of the book.
This book, An Enquiry into Psychology, Soul and absolute by Swami Prajnanananda, is a brief but critical survey of the problem of Psychology, Soul and Absolute. The soul or self is the prime-mover of the mind, its modifications and its functions, but the Absolute is above all of them. This book has thrown sufficient light upon those principles, mind, soul and Absolute, and has made their status and stands clear. The book has further discussed about different ...
The Bases of Indian Culture is the Commemoration Volume dedicated to the sacred memory of Swami Abhedananda, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and spiritual brother of Swami Vivekananda. The volume contains various thoughtful writings of different scholars and renowned writers of India and abroad. It contains articles on philosophy, psychology, religion, mysticism, logic, literature, science, education, music, dance, drama, painting and ...
VOLUME I: This volume contains discussions on primitive music, prehistoric music and Vedic music of Ancient India. Music and music materials of ancient India have paved the glorious path of the epitome of Art and Culture of Indian Music. The Indian peoples look back to the prosperous days of their cultural past and march forward for making the future bright and worth-full. VOLUME II:In this volume the author has critically discussed the Rig-Veda and the Sama-Veda ...