Swami Rama

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A great sage of the Himalayas collaborates with an American-trained psychologist in this practical, holistic perspective on the role of emotions in the evolution of consciousness. They explain how we can expand our consciousness from a state of conflict, confusion, and unrest to an experience of peace, joy, and radiance, which is the core essence of our being. This important work outlines the journey from emotion to enlightenment and sheds light on how the ...
In Wisdom of the Ancient Sages, Swami Rama shares with the modern reader the powerful and inspiring teachings of one of the world’s greatest spiritual texts-the Mundaka Upanishad. This beautiful translation and commentary affirms the core, essential nature of the human beings as complete, peaceful, creative and transcendent and describes the process by which we can experience our inner nature. Its message will assist anyone who seeks to walk the path of ...
Sing the name of the lord in every breath of life. Joy, joy, joy… Let me offer you The finest of intoxicants, a drink that can subdue All pain and inner Suffering, no matter how obscure. This drink I recommend to you, its value I assure. You drink the cup of worldly wine, and sing a song you know,Your drink creates a drowsiness. Your song but augurs woe I offer you a wine divine, a melody so pure, Your soul will wake, immersed in joy, and with my thought ...
"What exists after death? Explain it to me," insists the young student Nachiketa as he puzzies over this supreme mystery in the Kathopanishad. Swami Rama's penetrating commentary on the ensuing dialog between Nachiketa and Yama, King of Death reveals a clear, profound philosophy of death and immortality, embellished with his own insights. Raised since early childhood by a great sage of Bengal who lived in the Himalayas, Swami Rama draws upon his own ...
This inspiring book will be helpful to anyone who is seeking to understand the dynamic interplay between loving relationships and the path of spirituality. In clear, candid language, swami Rama Presents his vision Of the potential that marriage and family life have to help us open our heart, expand our personality, and contribute to our spiritual unfoldment. This invaluable guide devotes itself to one of the most powerful and influential aspects of any person’s ...
Whether you are on a spiritual quest or re simply looking for a way to improve your life, The Art Of Joyful Living offer a simple philosophy of living and practical suggestions for being happy. Swami Rama shows how to maintain a joyful view of life even in difficult times. He gives methods for transforming habit patterns, developing intuition, cultivating strength and willpower, maintaining loving relationships, and more. His insight into the human mind and heart ...
Today, We have access to every conceivable kind of knowledge about the world around us, Yet few of ushave even the dimmest knowledge of our innermost selves. Swami Rama - one of the most influential yogis to visit the Western world in the twentieth century-was raised in the cave monasteries of the Himalayas,where the central tenet of education was to first know one's own inner being. Leaving the idyllie world of the meditation masters behind, Swami Rama was ...
In this practical guide to inner life, Swami Rama-one of the most advanced yoga masters to visit the West-teaches us how to slip beyond the mental turbulence of our ordinary thought processes into an infinite reservoir of consciousness from which we can draw guidance, creative power, joy, and tranquility. The Programe for progress in Meditation outlined here opens the door to internal resources we have alwayshad at our disposal, but have not been able to access. ...
I have found that in the heart of disappointment there is always seated a limitless joy that can emancipate one from sorrow . For many years, Swami Rama Kept Diaries in which he reflected on life and recorded his dialogues with the divine mother. He long kept these pages secret, no wanting his intimate experiences to beconsumed by people who might not understand their exalted simplicity. These Personal and inspired writings were published for the first time in ...
Yogi, scientist, Philosopher, humanitarian, and mystic poet, Swami Rama is the founder and spiritual head of the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga science and Philosophy,with its headquarters in Honesdale, Pennsylvania and therapy and educational centers throughout the world. He was born in a Himalayan valley of Uttar Pradesh,India, in 1925 and was initiated and anointed in early childhood by a great sage of the Himalayas, He studied with many adepts,and ...
Nitnem is the daily prayer book of the Sikhs, which collects the verses sung and recited daily by all practicing Sikhs and those who are aware of the teachings of sri guru Nanank Dev. These beautiful verses are read every morning, at sunset, and before retiring to inspire and elevate the heart. The verses of Nitnem are a soaring statement of the majesty of the diving and its one, complete,and Transcendent nature, without division or duality, Swami Rams’s ...
Indian classical music is as ancient as the human race itself. How fortunate is he or she who loves to singh or play an instrument. Indian classical music is deep, profound, and melodious. It draws upon the rhythms of nature that resonate in the human heart. Everyone can respond to it…… singing, playing instruments, dancing, painting, and composing poetry are all various ways of expressing human emotions in a creative manner…….. Music is the highest way ...
This unique commentary emphasizes the psychology of this timeless scripture and its application to daily life. By synthesizing the ancient teachings of the East with the modern Western perspective. Swami Rama has made the Gita as useful to the modern reader as it was to the yogis centuries ago. The student of Eastern studies, the psychotherapist, and the spiritual seeker will all find a storehouse of wisdom in this volume.
â€I will tell you how I grew up and how I was trained, about the great sages with whom I lived and what they taught me, not through lectures and books but through experiences,†writes Sri Swami Rama in the opening pages of this timeless saga. These stories record is personal quest for truth and enlightenment. Inspiring, illuminating, entertaining, mystifying, and frequently droll and humorous, they bring you face-to-face with great Himalayan Masters, ...
Phil Nuernberger,Ph.D.., was born in Illinois and educated at Aouthern Illinols University and the University of Minnesota,where he received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. Since 1969,Dr.Nuernberger has been deeply involved in studying the mind/body relationship under the personal guidance of Sri Swami Rama. His extensive travel and scientific studies in the Himalaya Mountains in India and Nepal have provided a unique background for his work in the development ...
The search of truth alone provides a ray of hope for the individual and for humanity as a whole. We have done so much research on matter , mind , and energy, yet we have not discovered the ways and methods of attaining happiness and loving others selflessly. This book gives a glimpse and creates a provocative atmosphere for the intelligent and learned so that they will begin studying their inclination to follow a particular path, and so that they don’ t waste ...
Here, for the first time, Sri Swami Rama shares remarkable and Practical information on the advance practices of Yoga. A science complete in itself, yoga deals with deals with body, breath mind, and spirit-the “path of lightâ€. This path is described in straightforward language wihich guides you…. Step-by-step, systematically and surely, from one level of awareness and consciousness to the next. The ultimate goal? Self-realization through meditation ...