Showing all 3 books
Revered Swami Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj is well-known to the spiritual aspirants of the country. He is a saint and a Yogi in the real sense of the term and has deep knowledge and insight into the holy texts and scriptures specially the Bhagavadgita. His discourses delivered in simple language and style inspire the audience all over the country. Swamiji emphasizes hat the object of life is God-Realization and this can be attained easily and in no time if the ...
In this book, certain verses from Guru-Gita have been quoted to substantiate the main subject. But in spite of best efforts we have not been able to trace the actual origin of Guru-Gita and its author. At the end of Guru-Gita it is mentioned that it has been taken from Skandapurana but no reference has been found of this text in any version of the Skandapurana. Even difference of opinion has been noticed in the various versions of Guru-Gita published from ...
This work in its English version has been an outstanding and much apreciated exposition of the divine and immortal work. This book is somewhat new, as in includes two additonal and valuable appendices at the end of the commentary on the Gita. The first appendix entitled, " A bird's eyeview of the Gita" is a siummarised essence of the scripture, highlighting its core and offering a capsulized version for quick comprehension and ready reference. The ...