Swami Ranganathananda
Showing all 18 books
On the banks of the river Tamasa stood the sage Valmiki. He was absorbed in the contemplation of the sense of peace pervading the place. All on a sudden, he heard the twang of a bowstring, the whirr of an arrow and the piteous cry of a Krauncha bird whose mate had just been killed by the arrow. Valmiki was overcome with pain and compassion and, when his eyes rested on the hunter who had parted the birds, his mind was full of anger and he spoke harshly to the ...
This book is the living legacy of the monk Sri Swami Ranganathanandaji, who at the age of seventeen years joined Ramakrishna Sangh. He had a very close intimacy with many direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. While walking in the footsteps of Swami Vivekananda, he gathered the nectar of love and wisdom from them and silently filed countless hearts with these spiritual gifts. This book leads the reader through the different dimensions of Swamiji’s ...
Part of the book is a lecture by Swamiji at a public function organized by the Muslim Students Society of Rangoon. Swamiji has quoted the Quran and other religious books during this sermon. He has seen Islam in the light of sruti and smriti concepts of India’s sanatan dharma. He says that Islam has produced some of the most lovable men and women of God-the Sufis. A thorough study and interpretation of the message of Muhammad, Quran and other religious tenets ...
The problem of value erosion is not only a national but also an international issue today. In the past, religions prescribed moral and ethical values and people; followed them generally, even if some people flouted them. Being based on authority of a holy book or person they could not be questioned but had to be simply obeyed. With the advancement of modern science and critical enquiry, religions lost that power and moral values lost their hold on millions of ...
Dr. Alexis Carroll, a famous American doctor, towards the end of the last century wrote a book with this very title. He titled it Man the Unknown. Towards the end of the last century, this question had started agitating the scientific community: 'Is man only what we see about him, estimate about him with our sense organs? Has he a depth, a higher dimension? That is the subject Dr. Carroll handles in that great book. And since that time many scientists have tried ...
Vedanta says that in the inner world, all knowing tends to being; when you try to know your own true nature, you realize that you are That. In the external world, it is never so. If I study a star, I do not become a star; if I study a table, I do not become a table. But when you study yourself in depth, you are that and you become that. Your are rising, you are growing, you are developing into that Being. A Siddhartha becoming a Buddha, attaining enlightenment. A ...
Expecting only a small gathering , Swami Gokulananda had arranged for an informal talk by me in the basement of the temple; but about 600 people is not a small gathering. So the venue had to be shifted to this Vivekananda Lecture Hall. Still, I shall give only an informal talk today on the announced subject Householders and Their Spiritual Life and not a public lecture. In the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, there are several chapters entitiled Advice to Householders ...
India today is at the cross-roads. We are in a curious predicament. The observe of the coin is bright, the reverse grim. We are heirs to a glorious civilization whose mighty stream has been flowing uninterruptedly down the millennia, enriching and ennobling all on its path. Fifty years back we have also recovered our political independence from the largest empire the world has seen, and that without firing a singly shot-something unique in history. Yet chaos ...
We are happy to place before our readers this important book, The Message of the Upanisads, by Swami Ranganathananda. The lectures comprising the book were originally delivered by the Swami at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of culture, Calcutta, of which he was then the Secretary. Excepting the first lecture entitled The Charm and Power of the Upanisads, which forms the introduction to the book, all the rest were given as weekly Saturday evening lectures in ...
The words of the Upanisads are great music, the tunes of Which have the power to fascinate the hearts of all sensitive people, century after century. Every one who studies the Upanisads reverently, and in a seeking mood, will realize for himself or herself the charm of their deep, profound utterances couched in language, direct and deep, poetic and sublime. A spiritual seeker who reads the Upanisads will feet that is very close to his life and destiny, a reality ...
Packed with many stimulating and delightfully refreshing ideas, and drawing upon the works of eminent national and international poets, scientists, authors, and historians, this commentary explains the universal and humanistic teachings of The Song Celestial, as Edwin Arnold called the Gita, in the context of modern thought and modern needs.