Consciousness is the great unexplored area of life, the final frontier. It is the invisible but essential ingredient that even science approaches with fear and trembling. Consciousness is the most intimate experience of life, the essence of life itself. Among the many spiritual traditions born and developed in India, one ancient philosophy-Kashmir Shaivism-has explored it completely, and that is the subject of this book. Until now, Kashmir Shaivism was an ...
How to live in Old Age was originally written in Hindi. The book is based on Adi Shankaracharya’s book Sadhana Panchakam. Swamiji’s commentary on this book describes the forty steps to divinity, following them one could lead a contented life as well as attain spiritual unfoldment. Adi Shankaracharya, the premier Vedantin, talks of how man squanders his entire life - childhood is lost in play, youth in pleasures, and old age in worries. Shankaracharya ...