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Teach yourselves, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, and everything that is EXCELLENT, will come, when this sleeping soul is roused to self-con-scious activity. The Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence (a centre for training teachers, youth and children in value oriented education) is an effort in this direction- to awaken dormant, ...
Sir, what is the essence of the Gita? Asked a devotee. Sri Ramakrishna replied, Repeat the word Gita ten times continuously and you get the essence. By this Gita becomes Tyagi, i.e, the renunciation of I and Mine. How beautifully Sri Ramakrishna condensed the essence of the Gita in two words! Gita is a practical text and is not just meant for worship or parrot-like narration. Unfortunately our modern youth has no knowledge of the great wisdom contained in the ...
The Voice of Vivekananda is as vibrant as his radiant Form. The thoughts of this Prophet of modern spiritual renaissance are more relevant today than ever before. His electrifying message of the divinity of man, of peace and harmony emerging from the realized and realizable Truths of Vedanta, uniting mankind with the silken thread of shared faith, is no longer the luxury of a few blessed souls, but is a sheer necessity for the survival of humanity itself. Hence ...
This book lucidly explains how the supreme goal can be reached by comparatively easy paths. Sri Ramakrishna is a unique spiritual phenomenon. The sadhanas he performed, the ecstasies he underwent and the subtle truths he realized are mind-boggling. Even the highly critical Swami Vivekananda had to declare that he is the greatest of Avataras. One, therefore despairs of ever reaching anywhere near the Paramahamsa. But understanding our difficulties Sri Ramakrishna ...