Swami Tapasyananda

Showing all 10 books
Valmiki's Ramayana, containing 24,000 verses is a world famous epic and is justly called the very first of Sanskrit poems. The Adhyatma Ramayana, the spiritual version of the same Rama Saga, though not so well known for poetic excellence, is none the less equally important in several other respects. Here you get in the much shorter compass of 3643 verses, the whole of Rama's story placed in a spiritual setting. Here Rama is not only a great personage, an ...
The Introduction to this edition of Lalitasahasranama is taken from the now out-of-print translation of it by Prof. D. S. Sarma. In place of writing a new Introduction, we have adopted this, because it is a composition that cannot be excelled. It is an excellent, appreciative, but also critical, study of the Sahasranama as a piece of Stotra literature and as an exposition of the philosophy of the Mother cult. It is both a historical and a doctrinal study of this ...
Saundarya-lahari (or The Inundation of Divine Splendour') is a highly poetical but at the same time a tough technical work of Sri Sankaracarya, who was both the Bhasyskara (commentator) on the Texts of Vedanta philosophy, as also the Sanmata-sthapaka (the founder of the systems of worship of the six Deities of the Hindu pantheon). While this Text is a hymn of praise of the Divine Mother known as Tripurasundari. Lalita, Sodasi, etc., in Her creative aspect, it ...
Valmiki's Ramayana, consisting of 24000 verses, is one of the most famous epics in the world's literature. Apart from its literary grandeur, it is also looked upon by the Hindus as a holy text. Of the six sections or Kandas of the Ramayana, the present volume comprises the fifth, known as the Sundarakandam. Consisting as it does of 2885 Sanskrit verses, the Sundarakandam deals with the heroic exploits of Hanuman in one day and night, during which he crossed over ...
The word Sahasranama means the thousand names of the Lord. According to the Vedic tradition there is only one manifesting sound (Sabda) indicative of the Supreme Being (Para-Brahman), and that is called Om, as far as the human ears could capture it. Just as that one Para-Brahman is adored as manifesting in the form of many Deities, the one name Om, indicative of Him, also takes the form of innumerable sound forms representing Divine attributes and other ...
This edition aims at giving a lucid and readable translation of the great Sanskrit Text to the English reading public interested in Indian devotional literature. The Narayaneeyam is a text that takes a high place in Sanskrit literature both as a poem and as a devotional hymn. This double role is responsible for the great popularity it has attained wherever it has come to be know. As its author Meppathur Narayana Bhattatiri was a poet-devotee hailing from Kerala, ...