Swapna Mukhopadhyay

Showing all 6 books
In the early years of post-Independence India, the role of law and legal reforms in ensuring greater gender justice in society was perceived as non-ambivalent and positive. The picture is no longer so clear cut. Analysis of recent experience suggests that in the hands of a patriarchal state machinery, legislation, can indeed reinforce the social subjugation of women. This collection of papers which was originally presented in a national seminar on 'Women and Law' ...
Health of women qua women provides an excellent entry point for a sensitive analysis of gender issues in India—both symbolically as well as in practical terms. Whether reproductive health of women should be treated as a separate programmatic area or looked upon as part and parcel of primary health care is an issue which has been debated at length in recent times. While debating points can be scored on both sides, success stories in women’s reproductive health ...
This book supplements the already rich literature on gender by attempting to put in place a consistent framework for gender analysis by demonstrating the importance of identifying the context of such analysis, and by highlighting the necessity of differentiating ‘gender’ per se from its various ‘indicators’. It seeks to put in place a new agenda of gender research by expanding the existing set of gender indicators to include gender-related stress, anxiety ...
Characterized by high levels of female literacy and life expectancy for women, the state of Kerala has been hailed as the epitome of gender development in India. Yet disquieting evidence on widespread sex selective abortions, soaring dowry demands and high rates of crime and domestic violence against women makes it imperative that a fresh look be taken at the problem of gender relations in Kerala. The Enigma of the Kerala Woman: A Failed Promise of ...