Showing all 4 books
An evocative, inspiring book that incisively captures the spirit and textures of Dharamsala with sensitivity and passion if you haven't been to Dharamsala this is next best. If you are planning a visit, have been or are there, it will be your perfect guide. The book offers you insights that will deeply enrich your experience and understanding not just about Dharamsala but about Buddhism. A must read - Rajiv Mehrotra, author and honorary secretary/trustee, the ...
The volume showcases art of the culturally rich and diverse Himalayan regions. Uniting the sacred with the secular to present nothing short of a magical experience of the Himalayan art traditions, some of them being unique, it focuses on varied art forms and products: glowing thangkas or scroll paintings, ritual daggers, fierce masks, palaces, serene stupas, majestic monasteries, and mandalas as well as handmade fabrics, finely woven shawls, exquisite embroidery, ...
For centuries, women have walked the inner path to spiritual realization despite thorns placed in their way by patriarchy, discrimination and unequal opportunities. Where they couldn't get past the confines of gender roles, women found ways to lead spiritually rich lives under the skin of their worldly selves. When they did manage to step outside spaces designated for them by patriarchy, and found fulfilment as wanderers and mystics, their insights and ...