Showing all 5 books
The Srutis and the Smrtis are the two main sources of the Hinduism. There exists a vast Smritiliterature of which the Manu and the Yajnavalkyasmrtis are most important. The Yajnavalkyasmrti is divided into three sections, namely, Acara, Vyavahara and Prayascitta. The Vyavahara section, alongwith its commentary Mitaksara, is the main source of the current Hindu law. The Yajnavalkyasmrti has got a number of commentaries of which the Mitaksara by Vijnesvara is ...
Shama Sastri discovered for the first time the most important political treatise of Kautalya called the Arthasastra and published it from Mysore in 1909 and later an English translation in 1915. Later R.P. Kangle brought out a fairly accurate translation based n fresh materials. T. Ganapati Sastri edited the text in the Trivandrum Sanskrit series, between 1924-25 with his own complete sanskrit commentary styled ‘Srimulam’ (in three volumes) using all the ...
The present work is divided into 30 chapters, comprising nearly 2,600 slokas. It is a work in which the slokas are in a narrative dialogue between Anupagayana and a ‘siddha’ named Sumati. The work is encyclopaedic in scope and comprehensive in treatment. It treats all the major topics found in typical Samhitas and, further brings together several traditions within one, unified text. Chapter I is a synopsis of the ...