Showing all 3 books
The Fourth (World Trade Organization) Ministerial in Doha (Qatar) had an ambitious negotiating mandate in a Work Programme that was launched on 14 September 2001, to be completed by 2005. However, ever since its launch, the Doha Development Agenda, as the Work Programme has come to be called, has been facing rough weather. Missed deadlines have been the main stumbling blocks in the way of negotiations and threaten to undermine the credibility of multilateral ...
Potentially one of the most powerful of all multilateral institutions in terms of ensuring smooth and free trade flows globally, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is also one of the most controversial. Its achievements notwithstanding, what significantly plagues the WTO are the conflicting objectives of its constituent members which act as a deterrent to progress. Therefore, it is time to conduct a stock-taking exercise and review the developments in the WTO ...
This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the rise and growth of the Chinese economy since the beginning of the country's transition to a socialist market economy and captures the growth story in its historical backdrop. It sequentially unveils this story and highlights the critical role of two major change agents--the government and the people. While credit goes to the former for the successful transition to a high growth economy, there is an equally ...