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The Veda-s are the oldest and most authoritative of Indian scriptures. Proclaimed to be the voice of the Lord that was heard by the Rsi-s of yore, they are very sacred for millions around the world who chant them with great reverence and attention to detail. The dates of the Veda-s have been widely contested, and there are countless versions from different historians. But one aspect that has never been contested is how they are recited. Bound by a set of strict ...
The popularity that Yoga is enjoying today is beyond doubt. This ancient discipline which originated in India thousands of years ago, is fast acquiring a phenomenal global presence. As Yoga finds increased acceptance in every continent, students from different backgrounds, cultures and faiths embrace this simple yet practical philosophy. This has led many to embark on a quest to discover the philosophical foundations of Yoga, through the Yoga Sutra-s of ...
Ever since man set foot on planet earth, he has been a seeker. As he evolved, his thirst to understand the mysteries of life aroused and grew. His experiences forced him to ask questions for which he could find no answers. This search gave rise to many different schools of philosophy. All of them point to a source within. India has a very rich inheritance in the fields of philosophical reflection and spiritual inquiry, with a great variety of beliefs and ...
T Krishnamacharya in his life time of hundred years dedicated his life to transmitting the teachings of yoga. He did this through teaching, lecturing, and also writing. He wrote numerous works in many Indian languages, covering a wide spectrum of our great Indian Heritage. Fortunately some of these manuscripts are still available, and to share the richness of these teachings, the KYM has conceived the Krishnamacharya Granthamala. The Yoganjalisaram, the essence ...