T N Lakhanpal

Showing all 14 books
This book-a rich mine of our current knowledge on the subject, brings together for the first time in a single listing, a first-hand up-to-date ethnobotanical information on 305 species (edible-77 spp; fodder-32 spp; material culture-60 spp; medicinal-96 spp; ornamental-232 spp; sacred-114 spp) belonging to 223 genera under 95 families of temple-courtyard plants of Himachal Himalaya. Over 522 photographs, 21 figures, 53 tables and 3 useful appendices enhance the ...
This monograph, the most comprehensive publication in the field so far, affords scientists, researchers, students and laymen alike valuable information from disparate sources to form a highly structured work of reference to the world at large. The main text deals with 988 plant species belonging to 649 genera under 164 families of which 796 are used for cuts and wounds, 208 for bone fracture and 97 for sores. Apart from systematic enumeration of plants in the ...
The morels is one of the most delicious and costliest wild edible mushrooms of the world. During the last century significant advances have been made in the study of morel biology with the sole aim of artificial cultivation. But all efforts to domesticate them have not been wholly fruitful. The book is an attempt to compile all the relevant information on morel biology so that more interest in morel research is stimulated ultimately paving the way for ...
This volume contains wide ranging modern topics on `Microbial Biotechnology', applied microbiology and microbial ecology. The authors have done a tremendous job of synthesizing all the informations which will be useful for researchers and students alike. The present book has been aimed to emphasize on diverse uses of microbes involved in biotechnology, most dear to Professor Mukerji.
The Mushrooms of India--Family Boletaceae, provides first ever monographic treatment of the poroid members of mushrooms, the boletes, so far recorded from India, particularly the Himalayas. It contains a systematic account of 57 species, distributed among six genera of the family boletaceae and includes Ecological data on the distribution and occurrence of many species of boletes recorded herein, in some selected forests of Himachal Pradesh. For taxonomic ...
The compendium provides valuable data on 633 species belonging to 464 genera reported to be used by the indigenous people of India for the cure of various types of tumour and cancer - a worldwide problem and the most feared of all diseases; covering details of nomenclature, English, Hindi and Sanskrit names, Distribution, Part/s used, Medical preparation, Single/combination, Specificity for tumour/cancer, Active constituents, Biological activity and the original ...
The compendium brings together for the first time, complete, up-to-date information on 469 plants of sacred and magico-religious importance from the Indian perspective. Inclusion of 12 appendices and an over 57 colour photographs are the other important features of this compilation. With its comprehensive coverage of the subject, ‘Sacred and Magico-religious Plants of India’ is a vital reference source for students, teachers, scientific and university ...
The present compendium is first of its kind providing up-to-date information on the phytotherapeutic potential (including biological activity and active constituents) of 360 Indian plants under 288 genera and 97 families for alleviating the suffering of mankind due to diabetes. These include mostly the angiosperms (351 species), followed by pteridophytes (6 species) and gymnosperms (3 species). Of the angiospermous taxa, 312 dicotyledonus species predominate in ...
'Sex' has played a key role in all cultures. Many stories and anecdotes fill the history with incidents of sex and related acts, especially of Kings and Kingmen who received treatments for increasing their vigour and vitality from 'Dhanvanthris'. Many plants have been used traditionally for this purpose. Recent upsurge of 'Viagra' in media is a well known story. However, the knowledge of aphrodisiac plants is necessary for everyone to lead ...
This book is a simple-to-read manual providing useful and handy information on the lucrative economic potential of over 185 species of orchids. 7 colour photos and eight appendices facilitate identification and comprehensive by the reader. It is hoped that the compilation will be invaluable to research workers with academic or applied interest in the subject, teachers and students of ethnobotany, economic botany, medical botany and related disciplines. No ...