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The air we breathe in many cities is being polluted by activities such as driving cars and trucks; burning coal, oil and other fossil fuels; and manufacturing chemicals. Air pollution can even come from smaller, everyday activities such as cooking, space heating, and degreasing and painting operations. These activities add gases and particles to the air we breathe. When these gases and particles accumulate in the air in high enough concentrations, they can harm ...
Water is the earth’s most ubiquitous and most effective dissolving agent, playing a key role in human civilization. It quenches the thirst and enables the growth of food and fibre for 6.1 billion human inhabitants. Humans now use half of the readily available freshwater, which is in short supply; less than 1% of earth’s water resources goes for domestic, agricultural, horticultural and industrial needs. Increase in population, rapid industralisation and ...
Today, environmental Pollution is a major concern all over the world. Indian is heading towards a freshwater crisis mainly due to improper management of water resources ad environmental degradation, which has led to a lack of access to safe water supply to millions of people. This freshwater crisis is already evident in many parts of India, varying in scale and intensity depending mainly on the time of the year. When sources of pollution are enumerated, ...
The life supporting systems of the planet’s biosphere are being threatened due to deforestation, destruction of habitats, over use of energy resources and environmental pollution. Changes in the earth’s climate, decline and deterioration of natural resources, the accumulations of waste products, soil exhaustion and the destruction of ecosystems, are already apparent. Anthropogenic activities coupled with the burgeoning human population are responsible for the ...
Conservation of natural resources through sustainable ecosystem management and development is the key to our secured future. The management of ecosystem involves inventory and monitoring, and applying integrated technologies, methodologies, interdisciplinary approaches for its conservation. Hence, now it is even more critical than ever before for mankind to be environmentally literate. To realize this vision, both ecological and environmental education must ...