Showing all 5 books
During the past two decades, considerable debate has taken place, particularly in India, on the imbalance in sex ratio and the question of 'missing women'. However, the recent discourses in India have changed the focus from 'missing women' to 'missing girls', highlighting the precarious situation of female children before birth, at birth and during childhood. The girls have been aborted on a massive scale in recent decades simply because they are girls. This ...
Population policies and family planning programmes are at crossroads now. Population policies continue to be driven by demographic goals sometimes even neglecting women’s basic sexual and reproductive health needs. It is important to make comprehensive reproductive health services available affordable and acceptable to women in developing societies. Realizing women’s rights and achieving the Millennium Development Goals mainly depends on strengthening ...
Return migration is one of the neglected aspects of migration research. Under the changing international labour scenario, return migration and its socio-economic impact assumes great importance. This study attempts to examine the impact of migration and return migration in the context of large scale return of migrant workers from Middle East countries to India, particularly to the state of Kerala. A few case histories of return migrants have also been appended ...