T W Rhys Davids

Showing all 24 books
The present work portrays ancient India, during the period of Buddhist ascendancy, from the non-Brahmin point of view. Based on the literary, numismatica and inscriptional records, it throws light on points hitherto dark and even unsuspected.
Divided into sixteen chapters, the work presents a detailed account of the socio-economic, geo-political and ethico-religious conditions of the country. It describes at length the history of kings, clans, nations, ...
Buddhist India portrays ancient India, during the period of Buddhist ascendancy, from the non-Brahmin point of view. This study is based on the literary, numismatic and inscriptional records, and throws light on points hitherto dark and even unsuspected.
This work is divided into sixteen chapters and presents a detailed account of the socio-economic, geo-political and ethico-religious conditions of the country. It describes at length the history of the kings, ...
In this work an attempt has been made to describe ancient India, during the period of Buddhist ascendancy, from the point of view, not so much of the brahmin, as of the rajput. Based on the literary, numismatic and inscriptional records, it throws light on points hitherto dark and even unsuspected. The two points of view naturally differ very much. Priest and noble in India have always worked very well together so long as the question at issue did not touch their ...
The Buddha, Christ and Gandhi - the great three are universally regarded as harbingers of harmony, compassion and peace, the first of whom is once again being revived in modern times to sort out the present day problems of unprecedented violence and terror -- the Holy Dalai Lama being one powerful expression of his message and piety. His was history’s first religion of peace which spread all over Asia, including its western regions, without any use of ...
Here is a reprint of T.W. Rhys Davids' translation of the Digha Nikaya, first published in three parts in 1899, 1910 and 1921 respectively. The Digha Nikaya or "the collection of long doctrinary lectures" of the Buddha is one of the five Nikayas or collections belonging to the Suttapitaka or "the basket of (Buddha's) discourses" which is one of the three major collections of Pali Buddhist texts, the other two being Vinayapitaka and ...
The work of which a translation is here, for the first time, presented to the English reading public, has had a strange and interesting history. Written in Northern India, at or a little after the beginning of the Christian era, and either in Sanskrit itself or in some North Indian Prakrit, it has been entirely lost in the land of its origin, and (so far as it at present known) is not extant in any of the homes of the various sects and schools of the Buddhist, ...
Pali Text Society is the pioneer institution which brought in print practically all the Pali canon commentaries. Rhys Davids conceived the idea of compiling an exhaustive dictionary of Pali, based on the voluminous basic material that was being brought to light. The work took more than twenty years of devoted labour, but before his death in 1922, he had the satisfaction of seeing its first volume published. In four volumes, issued over 1921-25, the dictionary ...
Pali Text Society was started in order to render accesible to students the rich mine of the earliest Buddhist literature that were lying unedited and practically unused in the various manuscripts scattered throughout the University and other Public Libraries in Europe. These manuscripts were very carefully compiled and edited by T.W. Rhys Davids in an excellent manner. This set gives a broad survy of Buddhist literature. This set is of great significance as it ...
Before T.W. Rhys Davids and some others ventured into interpretations of obscure sources of Buddhist philosophy and history, most of the material was lying scattered. It was strange, and very characteristic of the real meaning of true Buddhism, that there was no life of Gautama the Buddha in the Buddhist scriptures. Known sources of the Buddha's life story like Malalankara Watthu and the Jataka Book were written much after the days of the Buddha. These were more ...
This book speaks about Buddhism, its inception and development. It deals mainly with how and under whose reign Buddhism became popular in towns and villages. Social grades have also been discussed in details. An attempt to reconstruct a picture of the economic conditions of that time has also been made. The writings of the Buddha's conversational discourses on the Silas, the development of the writing such as writing on copper plates, etc. ...
As the Pali text Society began issuing editions and translations of the Pali Canon and Commentaries in quick succession, Rhys Davids conceived the idea of the compilation of an exhaustive dictionary of Pali, based on the voluminous basic material that was being brought to light. The work took more than twenty years of devoted labour, but before his death in 1922, Rhys Davids had the satisfaction of seeing its first volume published. In four volumes, issued over ...