Talwar Sabanna

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Theories of unbalanced growth focus on the implications from unequal sectoral growth and indicate what type of planning is needed for promoting different sectors of the economy for maximizing total economic gain. There is some literature about the inter-regional inter dependencies, exploitation of which would improve the over all regional economic welfare. It is possible to view this problem using the approaches of equi-marginal sub-regional productivities with a ...
Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was the first Indian Prime Minister of Independent India and who remained Prime Minister for 17 years. He is considered the ‘architect of modern India’. The book contain research papers on his philosophy on rural development, economic ideas, economic thoughts, Jawahar Lal Nehru the Chief Economic Architect, Pandit Nehru and Indian Planned economy, Pandit Nehru as an Economic Philosopher, and several other articles. The ...
Women are almost one half of the world’s population having enormous potential but being under-utilized or un-utilized for the economic development of the nation. But they face numerous threats of violence throughout their lives starting from cradle to grave. Of the 1.3 million of world poor, 70% are women and 570 million rural women in developing countries. In 21st Century women are prey to domestic violence at and all sorts of harassment outside home, they ...
Intellectual Property Rights have been consistently in focus since Paris and Berne conventions held in 1883 and 1886. The British enacted first law in 1911 (in India) for intellectual property rights to protect the rights of inventions, patents, designs, etc. Intellectual Property Rights cover rights for patents, designs, inventions, literary creations, performance, trade marks, artistic creations, circuit design, trade secrets, copyrights and so on. Recently ...
The content and quality of the discourse on the environment have been transformed rood and branch over the last two decades. The available scientific proof on environmental threats demands attention of the governmental and the public alike. Further, as a result of globalization and WTO agreements share of responsibility towards environmental organizations have already been rising. A good number of international, government and non-government organizations have ...
Since the economic reforms introduced in the world after the globalization, privatization, specially in the third world countries and other developing countries. Keeping in view the latest economic globalization, the concept of Intellectual Property Right has become most important to preserve nation's indigenous heritage as plants, products, patents, scientific inventions, literary and artistic works. Nations' economy and economic development are in dire ...
"Globalization process in the world economy in the form of free trade of goods and services across nations, international movements of finance, capital and labour migration has been strengthened, particularly after the revolution of information technology and concerned global actions to initiate the process of policy reforms based on trade liberalization, technological collaboration and participation of foreign equity and portfolio investment in different ...
Upto December 1994 international trade in merchandise was guided by the rules and provisions of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT). The GATT rules, however, did not work effectively to absorb the complexities of world trade which had been growing steadily both in terms of commodity coverage and the nature of regulators. Moreover, the GATT did not cover trade in services which was assuming extreme significance to number of countries, because of ...
Intellectual Property Rights refers to the assurance given by the government to reward the innovators by granting monopoly over production and marketing. General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) state: “members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by a combination thereofâ€. The TRIPS agreement seems to be discriminatory to protect the interest of developed countries, or the patent holders. ...
Mark Twain remarked once that “……This is India, the land of dreams and romance, of fabulous wealth and fabulous poverty, of splendour and raga, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence… the country of a hundred nations and a hundred tongues… cradle of the human race, birth place of human speech, mother of history… the only sole country under the sun that is endowed with an imperishable interest (for all)… The one land that men desire to ...
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are granted by governments to attempt to correct a market failure that produces less than optimal amounts of investments in innovative activity. Patents are used to protect products and processes. It is often less costly to reverse engineer a product than to undertake the research and development (R&D) to create the innovation. In the absence of any laws preventing companies from engaging in reverse ...
In addition to sex differences in the availability of schooling and in enrolment patterns; there are other types of sex inequalities in educational opportunity that have implications for economic rules. Many educational systems are characterized by pervasive sex-linked streaming, with the result that girls are not offered the same curriculum, standards, and programme options as boys. The nature of this streaming rarely derives from traditional sex-role norms or ...
The major risk in the globalised world is country risk, arising out of intrusion and investment in alien environments characterised by political, financial and economic uncertainties in addition to transfer risk, which arises owing to transfer products and processes in the event of liberalised factor mobility. The already widening global inequality will be further fuelled by educational inequality in appropriating opportunities. Bad governance itself will be a ...
The Multilateral Trading System, which the WTO administers, represents a balance of concessions which, if implemented in letter and spirit, could bring about orderliness, transparency and predictability in global trade. The principle of most-favoured nation treatment of all Member countries by each country, more free trade through reduction of tariffs and progressive removal of Non-Tariff barriers, elimination of trade distorting measures, including subsidies, ...
The experience of the implementation of reforms reveals not only the poor are becoming poorer, but the rich want to become richer by illegal means. Further, they have succeeded in their efforts. The rise in corruption during the first decade of reforms in all the spheres of life is palpably visible. Nothing ever happens to those who do indulge in corruption and abuse of power and those who loot the exchequer and misappropriate public funds. On the other hand, it ...