Showing all 3 books
The Kularnava Tantra is held in high esteem by Kaula Tantriks. The phrase Kularnava means ocean of Kula. It focuses on the Urdvhamnaya, or Upper Tradition, the four others belonging to the four other faces of Shiva and representing the five elements of the tradition.
This work formed volume two of the famous Tantrik Texts series edited and published by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). The volume comprises of the sixth chapter of Purnananda Svami’s Shritattvachintamani, a voluminous Tantrik treatise which is now lost. The work contains a description of the six centers, the Muladhara, Svadishthana, Manipura, anahata, Vishuddha, and Ajna Chakras or Lotuses (padma) a knowledge which is essential for the understanding of the ...
This work formed the first volume of the famous Tantrik Texts series edited and published by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). The work belongs to the Dictionary Class. The Matrikanighantu and Vijanighantu or Mantra-Kosha by Bhairava Rishi are dictionaries of the single vowels and consonants of the Sanskrit language. Both, published from ancient and rare (in some cases extinct) manuscripts for the first time comprise the main body of this book. They give the ...