Showing all 6 books
I believe that every individual has a responsibility to help guide family in the right direction. Good wishes alone are not enough; we have to assume responsibility. Large human movements spring from individual human initiatives. If you feel that you cannot have much of an effect, the next person may also become discouraged and a great opportunity will have been lost. On the other hand, each of us can inspire others simply by working to develop our own altruistic ...
This important small volume, Advice from Buddha Sakyamuni, on the discipline to be observed by monks following the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, is based on the Intermediary Verses of the Vinaya Sutra. His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet has composed this work for the benefit of all beings, and gives a concise but thorough commentary on the monastic vows and how to uphold them in a pure manner. However, it should be noted that His focus on the necessity and ...
Part One Opening the Mind, consists of a concise survey of Buddhist teaching. Beginning with advice about the importance of religious practice, the work goes on to explain the presentation of the two levels of truth, how to advance upon the paths of Hinayana and Mahayana by practicing the three trainings of ethics meditative stabilization and wisdom as well as describing the result of such practice-Buddhahood. Part two Generating a Good Heart, is as translation ...
Nagulchu Gyalsas Thogmed Zangpo’s The Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva is one of Tibetan Buddhism’s most popular texts, incorporated in the Mind Training text and also able to be explained according to the Lam Rim tradition. Its advice is timeless and its relevance is universal. This commentary by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, as expounded during Kalacakra teachings at Bodh Gaya, is characterized by its clarity, practicality and profundity. Each ...
During April 1985 and then again in October 1986, His Holiness the Dalai Lama delivered a series a discourses on Buddhist view, meditation and action. The discourses and ensuing discussions were recorded at the time, and later prepared into an edited text of the encounter; the result of which is this book. in his discourses His Holiness touched upon all the essential points of the Buddhadharma, and provides a clear and simple method to cultivate a daily practise ...