Showing all 2 books
The iconic Padmashree Thangam E Philip (1921–2009) was a giant in the world in cooking, catering and nutrition. In her long career, spanning more than 50 years, she worked tirelessly to educate people about the joys and health-giving benefits of cooking. Her recipes, always simple but delicious, have inspired countless numbers to take up the culinary arts.In this book, she embarks on a gastronomic journey through the wonderful and diverse world of plants. ...
Going into their sixth edition, Thangam E Philip’s Modern Cookery, Volumes I and II are one of India’s most prestigious and encyclopaedic books on cookery and have proved to be an invaluable reference and guide to both students of catering and to professionals in the food and catering industry in India. The volumes contain recipes from all over the world – products of years of meticulous research and rigorous field-testing.Volume I ...