Showing all 5 books
Meeting the Mahatma was a special moment for most of the people who captured it later in memorable prose. Gandhi at first sight is a collection of such heartfelt moments of people from Sarojini Naidu to Katherine Mayo and from Romain Rolland to Charlie Chaplin, of an experience that was profound and sometimes even life changing.
Going Native details Gandhi’s relationship with Western women, including those who inspired him, worked with him, supported him in his political activities in South Africa, or helped shape his international image.Gandhi’s relationship with women has proved irresistibly fascinating to many, but it is surprising how little scholarly work has been undertaken on his attitudes to and relationships with women. Going Native details Gandhi’s ...
Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy of truth and nonviolence have intrigued the world for decades. Looking at the Western and Indian influences that had gone into making Gandhi the Mahatma, and the central importance of Gandhi to nonviolent activism, these essays reclaim the power of truth and nonviolence, which can still change the destinies of people and nations. In this collection Thomas Weber discusses Gandhi, his ideology, and how India and the rest of the ...