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The present book aims at clarifying various aspects of Indian philosophy by applying concepts used in text science towards their analysis. Text science attempts to establish universal rules which apply to all forms of human expression. If we regard all human expression, 'including behavior', as communication, it contains a meaning-system whether it has the form of language or not. Human expression may be classified as language, figure, body action, and so ...
To felicitate Dr. Musashi Tachikawa on his sixtieth birthday this book presents a collection of fifty-six essays which are related to Prof. Tachikawa’s fields of research. In chronological order, these are Nagarjuna’s Madhyamika Philosophy, Indian Realism, Buddhist and Hindu Tantrism, and Buddhist Theology. The study of Buddhist and Hindu Tantrism covers both iconography and rituals. At first glance their mutual relationship is not clear, but Prof. ...
One of the important tasks of logic is to analyze and classify statements by implication into two: true and false. If a true statement implies some other statement, that other statement is also true. Indian logicians maintained that implication depends upon the validity of invariable concomitance. Thus invariable concomitance is the logical base for implication. Since implication guarantees the validity of inference, invariable concomitance also gurantees the ...