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In sericulturally advanced countries, the seed production technologies have been perfected to its highest level. Though, in India silkworm seed production is practiced since decades, it is yet to be standardized to its perfection. To meet the requirement of seed to Indian sericulture farmers, the country requires more than 30 crore disease free commercial silkworm seed. However, all the agencies in the country together produce only 24 crore disease free layings ...
The production and supply of good quality seed of high-yielding varieties is one of the most important requirements of modern agriculture and a challenge to seed technologists. Seeds play an important role in disseminating pathogenic organisms to areas from which, hitherto, they have been absent and seed-borne infection may be the starting point for a serious disease in the growing crop. During seed storage, the metabolic activities of microorganisms may cause ...
Although, the science of seed biology had early beginnings, the technological aspects started in mid of nineteenth century. While most of the developments have taken place in the present century. The subject has undergone several diversifications and has acquired significant importance on account of its association with the supply of high quality planting material. So far as the publication of consolidated dat is concerned, the subject is till in infancy. The ...
Indian silk industry has registered an impressive growth, both horizontal and vertical through planned approaches and emerged as the second largest producers of silk in the world only after China. Silkworm seed, which forms the basic foundation and backbone of sericulture industry, plays a decisive role in the production of silk. To meet the requirement of sericulture farmers to produce 15848 MT of raw silk or 139616 MT of reeling cocoons, the country requires ...