Tridip Suhrud

Showing all 9 books
An epic novel written in four parts from 1887 to 1901, Sarasvatichandra is both the enactment and embodiment of the life philosophy of one man, and his sole mission.
Part II, Gunasundari’s Household, details the complex dynamics of a Hindu joint family. Minister of Ratnanagari, Vidya Chatura and Gunasundari were married as children. Intelligent and eager, a young Gunasundari is educated by her husband to share his pleasures of literature, poetry, ...
A novel of epic proportions, written in four parts from 1887 to 1901, Sarasvatichandra is both an enactment and the embodiment of the life philosophy of one man, and his sole mission.
Part I, Buddhidhan’s Administration, narrates the story of one individual’s extraordinary rise from poverty to power, to become the Karbhari of Suvarnapur. East India Company’s growing presence in the Indian native states provides the setting for the rivalry ...
Proceedings of a meeting organised by the Indian Institute of Advanced Study on 30th January 2008 at Sabarmati Ashram.
Most biographies of Mahatma Gandhi tell the story of a great political leader who led India to freedom. But for Gandhi, his politics was a part of his spiritual quest. Swaraj meant self-rule and not merely political autonomy, and Gandhi's struggles were meant to aid the quest for individual self-perfection. Everything he did--the Dandi march or his fasts for self-purification--was part of this struggle for self-realisation.This English translation of Narayan ...
Hind Swaraj, Gandhi’s seminal text in Gujarati, was written between 13 and 22 November 1909 aboard the Kildonan Castle bound for South Africa. It is a dialogue on modern civilisation, composed at a moment in modern history when the pre-modern in the world beyond Europe could still be touched and spoken of, not as mere memory or longing but as a living form. As a mode of exposition and argument, Hind Swaraj stems from a cognitive universe that abides beyond ...
Harilal Gandhi, the eldest son of Mohandas and Kasturba Gandhi, is a mysterious, fascinating figures. We know very little about his life. Paradoxically, Harilal has also been the subject of much speculation in recent times. Chandulal Bhagubhai Dalal's life of Harilal Gandhi is the only full-length biography available on him. One of the finest outcomes of Gandhian scholarship, it is moved by an acute desire to undo a wrong and to rescue a life from a world of ...