Showing all 3 books
'Security' appears to have become a misnomer in this age when one considers the atrocities - including - assassinations, riots, hijackings and threats - that are being committed. People have forgotten what normal conditions can be like. In the wake of all this, it seems pertinent to focus on security in a multifaceted manner since one outrage seems inevitably connected with another. Trilok Nath's book discusses national security concentrating of terrorism, drug ...
Understaffing, inadequate training, and deficient infrastructure, have resulted in an over-all poor image of the Police in the country particularly in the field of detection of crimes. This image has received a further down-grade in the years after independence. However, despite all handicaps the Police have battled with the problem valiantly with a sagging morale. With his background of nearly four decades in the Police, first as a fraction of the erstwhile ...
In this book New Horizons, the author has attempted to record his views on various specific issues particularly those relating to policing and general administration in the present milieu which have bogged down society so far. This book is a follow-up of the author’s earlier book “Forty Years of Indian Policeâ€. He has focused attention on the prime spheres; the philosophy of general governance as applicable to this country seen in international perspective. ...