U.D. Chavan
Showing all 16 books
The present book “Key Notes on Agriculture Chemistry and Soil Science” has been designed to fulfill this long felt need of students, teachers, researchers and aspirants of competitive examinations. It is designed in such a way that give rapid, easy access to the core materials in a short format which facilitates easily learning and rapid revision. The book carries fundamentals of Agriculture Chemistry and Soil Science. There are 7 chapters elaborating ...
Food exists throughout the world, but the aspect of concern differ with location. The bulk of the population involved in food production, yet attainment of adequate amounts and kind of basic nutrients remains an ever-present problem. This book provides the reader with an overview of current developments in the nutraceutical functional foods. It contains general issues like definitions, legislation, assessment of nutraceutical functional foods, and consumer issues ...
Secondary products are generally small molecules when compared to the size of macro molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. Nowadays secondary metabolites are getting very important place in human diet because they are acting as a nutraceutical and having several medicinal properties. Secondary metabolic products from plants are classified in many different ways - by their function, by the species from which it is derived; or by chemical composition. ...
Millets: Nutritional Value and Processing Technology book contain 14 chapters, several food products photographs and health benefits. It also provides extensive information on the nutritional value, chemical composition, processing and health benefits of these foods. In addition, the anti-nutritional factors present in these foods and ways of reducing their health hazards are discussed. The author has described formulations of various popular foods prepared from ...
The present book “Key Notes on Agriculture Botany” has been designed to fulfill this long felt need of students, teachers, researchers and aspirants of competitive examinations. It is designed in such a way that give rapid, easy access to the core materials in a short format which facilitates easily learning and rapid revision. The book carries fundamentals of Agriculture Botany. There are 8 chapters elaborating Discoveries, Abbreviations, ...
The present book Key Notes on Agricultural Economics, Business Management and Statistics has been designed to fulfill this long felt need of students, teachers, researchers and aspirants of competitive examinations. It is designed in such a way that give rapid, easy access to the core materials in a short format which facilitates easily learning and rapid revision. The book carries fundamentals of Agricultural Economics, Business Management and Statistics. The ...
The present book “Key Notes on Food Science and Technology” has been designed to fulfill this long felt need of students, teachers, researchers and aspirants of competitive examinations. It is designed in such a way that give rapid, easy access to the core materials in a short format which facilitates easily learning and rapid revision. The book carries fundamentals of Food Science and Technology. There are seven chapters elaborating Discoveries, ...
Fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices have an important place in human diet and life. Therefore, one object of this book is to organize the scattered information and to deal with the recent development of nutritional value and health benefits from fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices to the human being. This will help to increase the per capita consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices in their daily diet. This book addresses factors that are involved in ...
Recently the new syllabus for under graduate and post graduate of all Agricultural Universities in India has been implemented. Therefore, the request from the students and staff for objective question bank was tempting to authors to write such type of book. They suggested that the question bank should contains multiple choice answers, fill in the blanks, true or false statements as well as match the pairs based on the new syllabus for Under Graduate and Post ...
Agricultural Knowledge at a Glance Book is suitable for civil service examinations, bank’s agricultural officer’s SET, NET, JRF, SRF, ARS, IRMA, PO, and allied agricultural examinations. An attempt has been made to this book is designed primarily to fill the aforementioned need of all agricultural graduates for appearing various agricultural related examinations.
This book contains 14 chapters with 2 test question sets with answers as well as latest ...
In the last few decades many Indian education organization including university departments, institutions, colleges and deemed universities have started UG, PG, and doctorate degree programme related to Food Science and Technology, Food Processing, Food Engineering and allied courses such as Dairy Technology, Post Harvest Technology, Food Nutrition, Agricultural and Food Process Engineering etc. The Students of these discipline always demanding the Objective ...
The postharvest losses of fruits and vegetables in India varyfrom 20-30 per cent of the production. If these losses arecontrolled by using postharvest management and processingtechnology, the supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables will beincreased to the extent of their existing losses. This will help toincrease the per capita availability of fruits and vegetables. Inthis book total 50 fruits and vegetables crops, 57 chapters, 51photographs (equipments and ...
The postharvest management and processing technology of cereals pulses oilseeds fruits and vegetables are under development. The postharvest losses of cereals, pulses, oilseeds are 10-20 per cent but the losses of fruits and vegetables in India vary from 20-30 per cent of the production. If these losses are controlled by using postharvest management and processing technology the supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables will be increased to the extent of their ...
Sorghum is mostly cultivated in Kharif and rabi seasons in India. Maharashtra ranks first in the production of sorghum grain crop. The production of grain sorghum is higher per hectare in kharif season than the rabi season, because during kharif season there is occurrence of rain. So, the water availability is more as well as the climate is warm and humid which is good for sorghum growth. Similarly agricultural universities also developed several hybrid ...