Showing all 3 books
Beekeeping or agriculture from bee is the maintenance of honey bee colonies commonly in hives by humans. A beekeeper or apiarist keeps bees in order to collect honey and other products of the hive including beeswax propolis pollen and royal jelly to pollinate or to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or bee yeard. There are more than 20000 species of wild bees. Many species are solitary and many others ...
Small-scale mushroom production represents an opportunity for farmers interested in an additional enterprises and is a speciality option for farmers without much land. This publication is designed for market gardeners who want to incorporate mushrooms into their systems and for those farmers who want to use mushroom cultivation as a way to extract value from woodlot thinnings and other "waste" materials. Mushroom production can play an important role in ...
Potential losses of major world crops to pests, diseases and weeds have been estimated at approximately 70%. However, the actual losses are approximately 30% due to efficient crop protection practices. The increase in human population density and the subsequent demand for meat are predicted to cause crop production to double in the next four or five decades. To achieve this objective, an improvement or at least maintenance of crop protection efficacy against ...