Showing all 8 books
Indians’ relationship with Subhash Chandra Bose, both at thought as well as dialogue level, has been deeply emotional. In January 1941, he left us to wage a war for liberating us from the British occupation and then—with almost five years of brilliant struggle and some glorious battles—disappeared, causing an unending myth and mystery. Through heroic acts of omission and commission, Bose raised himself on our mental screen to the status of a ...
This book examines the Gordian Knot of the perpetually conflicting Indo-Pak relationship (IPR)--including the origin and growth of the Indo-Pak antagonism (IPA) and the resultant trust gap. Why the inherently faulty dream of Iqbal and Jinnah continues to irrigate the evil roots of the Pakistan’s India fixation--and how communal and international shadows--falling on the IPR, do not allow some energizing sunlight to fall upon this genetically weak ...
This book takes an in-depth look at the monster of terrorism beyond its normal evil manifestations. It examines terrorism with Lord Krishna's technology of handling evil and evildoers, which as per the great Lord's divine approach should include: An in-depth analysis of the problem including its causatives; Intense and persuasive dialogue with evil generators--persuading them to give up the unrighteous and unsustainable path of terror; Applying swift and ...