Usha Sharma
54 books
The Dalai Lama is regarded as the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetans. The present volume Dalai Lama and Tibet presents in detail the magnificent role he has played in Tibetan history.
India and Tibet have been not only geographically neighbouring countries. There are deep-rooted religio-cultural, ethnic and commercial ties between the two countries. Buddhism, originated in India, flourished in Tibet. Kailash and Mansarover, having great religious sanctity for Hindus are situated in Tibet. Before Chinese aggression in Tibet, the mutual commercial activities between the two countries have significant role in the economy-particularly those of the ...
Tibet is situated on a high plateau surrounded by mountain passes. Covering an area in excess of 2.5 million square kilometers, it borders of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Burma to the south, Eastern Turkistan to the north and China on the east. Owing to its unique physical features, it occupies the most strategic position in Central Asia. The present volume History and Geography of Tibet presents in-depth the chequered history and geographical ...
Tibet is situated on a high plateau surrounded by mountain passes. Covering an area in excess of 2.5 million square kilometres, it borders of India, Nepal Bhutan and Burma to the south, Eastern Turkistan to the north and China to the east Owing to its unique physical features, Tibet occupies not only the highest but also the most strategic position in Central Asia. Viewing Tibet and the Tibetan people in a global perspective, the present volume Tibet and the ...
The State of Jammu and Kashmir is one of the largest states of the Indian Union. Situated in the north-west extremity of India, it captures a strategic position in our sub-continent. Hence it has become an important issue in Indian and Pakistani politics. The present volume seeks to provide a detailed narration of cultural, religious and economic life of these mountainous areas and the magnificent contribution of each of them to the India as a whole. From ancient ...
The state of Jammu and Kashmir is one of the largest states of the Indian Union. Situated in the north-west extremity of India, it captures a strategic position in our sub-continent. Hence it has become an important issue in Indian and Pakistani politics today. Its ancient history is chronicled in Sanskrit verses in the Rajatarangini composed by the celebrated historian Kalhana. The next phase in the Kashmir’s history began when it went under Muslim rule. ...
The State of Jammu and Kashmir is one of the largest states of the Indian Union. Situated in the north-west extremity of India, it captures a strategic position in our sub-continent. Hence it has become an important issue in Indian and Pakistani politics today. Kalhana relates the story of Kashmir till the 14 century when Buddhist and Hindu ruelers ruled over it. After four centuries of Muslim rule it was conquered by Maharaja Ranhit Singh of Punjab in 1819. Soon ...
Education for children must be the first call on the nation’s resources. Children however take time to grow up and in the meantime events will not wait. The concept Universalisation signifies that education is for all and not for a selected few. This also means that education is the birthright of every child. Primary education is shaped according to the prevailing social and philosophical milieu and is regarded as the foundation for the entire superstructure of ...
Women are often treated as inferior and are socialised to put themselves last, thus undermining their self-esteem. Economic and political empowerment of women does not refer only to some improvements in their position within the parameters of hierarchical structures. Empowerment is not only an external process, but a process that has to bring about these intrinsic changes, in women but in men also. When women get organised and raise their consciousness about ...
The State of Jammu and Kashmir is one of the largest states of the Indian Union. Situated in the north-west extremity of India it captures a strategic position in our sub-continent. Hence, it has become an important issue in Indian and international politics today. It has a chequered history which is chronicled in Sanskrit verses in the Rajatarangini composed by the celebrated historian Kalhana. Undoubtedly, it has been a land of unrivalled beauty and charm. Its ...
This encyclopaedia focuses on two Himalayan Kingdoms Sikkim (now a Indian state) and Bhutan and delves deeply into the multi-facet aspects like political treaties, covenant or agreements signed between the two countries and British India, their history, geography and travels and social and cultural heritage. The volume has traversed into the unsurpassable domains and terrains through the accounts of early travellers to these Himalayan Kingdoms. Both the kingdoms ...
Kashmir, which has a long and chequered history, occupies a very significant position in our Indian sub-continent. Owing to its strtegic location and by becoming an important issue in global politics today, it is attracting the interaction of an increasing number of scholars all over the world.
The impact of information technology on society has not been uniformly beneficial, and the technological divide is being increasingly felt, especially in the developing countries. Serious obstacles still continue in achieving gender equality Cultural attitudes and gender stereotyping are impediments in education leading to more men than women in scientific and technical careers and in decision-making positions, thus increasing gender inequity. Equal access to ...
"Society is generally sensitised to the injustice perpetuated on women over the centuries. The incorporation of the sacred dimension of the feminine through the development of new archetypes and cultural myths is a major aspect of the paradigm shift needed at this time. "This book is a comprehensive research on the linkages between women’s rights and demographic processes. It calls our attention towards the need of an organised mass women’s movement ...
A focus on gender issues means looking at both women and men, whilst recognising that it is women who suffer from gender inequality and discrimination. Nowadays greater emphasis is being put on empowering women so that they can develop and realise their full potential and contribute to the society and nation as well. The importance of gender concerns to successful project and programme implementation, and to promoting social welfare and economic efficiency as ...
The progress of higher education in a society shapes the advancement of technology and enhances the skill of human resources to scale the peak of human development. Undoubtedly, universities, now-a-days, are confronting challenges which are multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. The 21st century has rightly been epitomized as the ‘Century of Knowledge’ as there will be an explosion of information. Higher education, over the years, has made substantial ...